COVID-19 Protocols
Last updated November 2021
Daily Health
Please do not enter this workplace if you:
Have travelled outside of Canada within the last 7-14 days.
Have been identified by Public Health as a close contact of someone with COVID-19.
Have been told to isolate by Public Health.
Are displaying any of the following new or worsening symptoms:
Fever (above 38°C) Even if it lasts only 2-6 hours
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Loss of appetite
Body aches
Extreme fatigue or tiredness
Nausea or vomiting
Staff, children and parents must not enter the workplace if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have travelled outside of Canada in the last 7-14 days. This is posted at the entrance to the faclility. Entrance is not permitted to anyone who answers Yes to any of these questions.
Staff with symptoms of COVID-19 must be excluded from work, stay home and self-isolate until they have been assessed by a health care provider to exclude COVID-19 (or a negative COVID-19 test) or other infectious disease and their symptoms have been resolved.
Parents are required to assess the children daily for the presence of symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19 or other infectious respiratory disease prior to drop off.
Parents must keep the children at home until they have been assessed by a health care provider to exclude COVID-19 or other infectious diseases and their symptoms are resolved.
Drop Off
& Pick Up
Drop off and pick up is limited to 1 parent/caregiver to minimize the number of people inside the facility.
Please minimize time spent in the facility during drop off.
All visitors must wear mask and use the hand sanitizer station upon entry and exit.
& Hygiene
Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the facility.
Staff and children are to wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately upon entering the facility. Keep hand sanitizer out of the reach of children and supervise its use. Staff are to wash their hands regularly throughout the day including:
When they arrive at the facility and before they go home
Before and after handling food (cooked or pre-packaged)
Before and after giving or applying medication or ointment to a child after changing diapers
After assisting a child to use the toilet
After using the toilet
After contact with any body fluids (eg. runny noses, spit, vomit or blood)
After cleaning tasks
After sneezing or coughing
After handling garbage
Whenever hands are visibly dirty
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
Physical Distancing
Workers should maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from each other when inside the classroom and outside. Where is is not possible, like when transferring a young child from one staff to another.
Activities involving books, games, videos, and electronics, staff must encourage physical distancing.
Minimize the frequency of direct physical contact with children.
Forming a number of separate play areas in order to space children apart.
Children who live in the same house do not need to social distance from each other.
Creating smaller groups or cohorts of children and keeping these groups separate from each other will help with all children to have physical distance from each other.
Minimizing the number of different workers that interact with the same child or group of children.
Nap areas to space children apart and placing children head-to-toe.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
Remove toys from the facility with surfaces that are not easily cleaned, such as plush stuffed animals.
Toys and objects that children have placed in their mouths will be set aside to be disinfected before using them again.
All common areas such as hallways, kitchen, bathrooms and frequently-touched surfaces (doors, knobs, cupboard handles, light switches, faucets, tables, chairs and toys) to be cleaned daily and signing that they are completed on the clipboards posted in each classroom. Spray Vital Oxide in each classroom at the end of the day.
After Preschool class is finished, Vital Oxide or disinfect the classroom before the school age care program starts.
Clean and disinfect cots after each use.
Clean and disinfect diapering stations after each use.
Garbage to be emptied daily.
Meals & Snacks
Do not allow sharing of food or drink by staff or children.
Do not use self-serve and family style meal services.
Do not allow children to participate in food preparation.
Receiving and handling parent provided food items and containers– ensure they are sanitized before putting them into the fridge.
Reusable dishwater must be cleaned and sanitized after each use.
Limit sharing of supplies and equipment (pens, telephone, tablets, computer mouse) between staff.
Children will be outside whenever possible.
Children may wear a mask based on personal or family choice. Infants under two years of age should not wear masks as it may make it difficult for them to breathe.
All staff & school age children are to wear mask when social distancing can't be practiced.
Parents are fully aware of the risks associated with sending their children to a daycare facility.